(…continued, beginning is here)
The BBTB-project as a whole (collaboration of individual BBTB-units) is based on several basic principles:
The “Financial and operational independence” guarantees us maximum stability and reliability of the system as a whole. As far as each BBTB-unit is independent entity and it can make right or wrong decisions. The entire community will benefit from the knowledge of the right decisions, but would not suffer from bad decisions at the level of individual units. Additional information about financial principals you could find on the Financial principals page.
The "Peer-to-peer relationship" declares equal rights and obligations between all BBTB-units and among all members. No unit can be more or less privileged over others. Relationships between each and every BBTB-unit based on common understanding and common agreement on the benefits of this relationship. Common knowledgebase, free and unrestricted data shearing between units increases our development into right direction. Each BBTB-unit has its own local set of rules and regulations that reflect the specific state, condition and specific activities within the unit.
The “Common membership” eliminates the need for a member to repeatedly apply for membership in another division of the BBTB-project. Each member of the BBTB-project has access to all information about all BBTB-units, their projects, activities, rules, conditions through the BBTB.me website. The “Common membership” entitles each BBTB-member to use similar equipment in all BBTB divisions, while at the same time each member must be trained and certified to use a different type of equipment.
The BBTB-project means that we (ourselves) build everything what we need for ourselves on the principles of a sharing economy. The BBTB-project does not mean that someone else will provide you with everything you have dreamed of. This project is based on the principles of the sharing economy, it means if you want to get something - you have to give something. Most likely, you know about co-working hubs for office workers. BBTB-project is kind of similar to these co-working hubs but for hobbyists.
Earn on shares. If you have equipment that you don't use 100% of the time, you can rent it out to BBTB. You will always retain your ownership and be able to take your items back at any time. During the lease you can use it at any time, but when you do not use it, it will not sit on the bench and gather dust, it will make you money. If you are planning to buy some fancy instrument, but you don't have the money for it right now, you can afford this instrument in cooperation with other BBTB project participants, rent it to BBTB and get back your initial investment.
Here are some more basic principles that the BBTB-project follows. The BBTB-unit is always located only on a free of charge spot (it's an immutable principle). Any BBTB-unit must have 2 unlimited free parking spaces. (it's a strong principle)
The "Peer-to-peer relationship" indicates that all individual BBTB-units have the same autonomy and freedom as any other unit. More detailed (more boring) rules can be found on the individual BBTB-units page in the members only section.